Welcome back to Funplex its great to have you back.
This is our new menu which has been streamlined to help us to become more COVID safe in the kitchen, we will gradually add more selctions as we develop the system.
Place your order via our online system, you can also pay online to minimise the amount of contact in the centre.
We will bring your food and drinks orders to your table.
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All made to order and served with salad garnish and coleslaw. Choose from the following fillings: 

  • Brie  and bacon
  • Tuna and cheese
  • Ham and cheese
  • Cheese and tomato V
Child Sandwich

Childrens sanwich served with some tortilla crisps


Light Bites

Spicy nacho's

A Funplex Favourite - large bowl of warm crispy nachos server with melted cheese, jalapenos, sour cream, guacomole and salsa.  Add our home made chilli for that authentic nacho experience!

BLT sandwich

All time classic served with chips

Fish finger sandwich

Loved by adult and kids this treat is served with chips

Beans on toast

Beans on toast

Hummus and pitta bread

Warm pitta served with delicious hummus makes a healthy and tasty snack

Adult's Chicken nuggets

10 or 16 delicious chicken nuggets with a choice of dip from BBQ, Sweet Chilli, Garlic Mayo, Mayo or Sour Cream.  

Hash Browns

4 Crispy hash browns with a choice of dips to accompany

sausage roll

hot or cold sausage roll

Sausage roll meal

Sausage roll chips and beans 

Vegetable Soup

Delicious, warming vegetable soup served with hot crusty bread.



Want something to share (this is optionall!!) you 're looking in the right place! All our pizzas are made to order so you can build them exactly how you like them.  Our pizza bases our either traditional tomato bases or you can swap out for a BBQ sauce base.

Choose one of our regular pizzas from the menu or "pimp" up your own by adding extra topping

Pepperoni / Spicy Beef / BBQ Chicken / Tuna / Ham  all at £2.00 per topping.

Cheese / Mozzarella / Onions / sweetcorn / Mushroom / jalapenos at 50p

Margarita V

Made with our homemade tomato sauce and topped with mozzarella


Funplex Meat Feast

Our special fully loaded carnivours delight meat pizza with Spicy beef, Bacon and Pepperoni, this is available in either the regular tomato or BBQ pizza base.

BBQ Chicken

Our very own BBQ chicken pizza with tender pieces of chicken, sweetcorn and mushroom - available in either regular or BBQ pizza bases.

Veggie Pizza

Fully loaded regular or BBQ pizza based with Sweetcorn, Mushroom, Peppers and Onion.

Tuna Supreme

Delicious 12" inch Tuna, sweetcorn and onion pizza available on regular of BBQ pizza base

Ham and Mushroom

Delicious 12" stonebaked pizza in either our home made tomato sauce or a BBQ base.  All topped off with mozarella, hame and mushrooms.

American Hot

12" freshly cooked stonebaked pizza topped with pepperoni and jalapenos, available in either our tomato or BBQ bases.

Pepperoni Passion

The always favourite pepperoni pizza, 12" stone baked pizza on either a tomato or BBQ base.

Spicy Beef

12" freshly baked stone based pizza with Spicy beef and onions - available with either our tomato of BBQ bases.

Pepperoni Perfection

Freshky baked 12" stonebase pizza with either our tomatio or BBQ pizza bases topped off with a DOUBLE helping of pepperoni!


Funplex Burgers

All burgers are served in a toasted bun with Lettuce, mayonnaise, tomato and chips!

Add extra bacon OR Add extra chicken or a burger.

Funplex burger

6oz gourmet beef burger

Funplex mega burger

Our take on the classic! We've added melted cheese and crispy bacon

Veggie burger V

Vegetable burger in crispy breadcrumbs

Vegan Burger

Delicious vegan burger with vegan mayo



Adult Mains

Pasta Bolognese

Family favourit, home made bolognese made with lean mince and served with penne pasta, grated cheese and garlic bread


Toasted wrap with cheese and onion with a choice of extra fillings from ham, bacon, tuna or Pepperoni. Served with chips, salad garnish and coleslaw

Mac'n' cheese V

Italian classic served with garlic bread, salad garnish and grated cheese

Jacket Potato

Filling and healthy, our jackets are served with a side salad and home made coleslaw.

Choose from :- tuna mayo, baked beans, cheese , bolognaise or chilli

Chill con Carne

Delicious home made chilli con carne served with rice, garlic bread, sour cream, guacomole and tortillas


Kiddies Meals

Chicken Nuggets

The Kiddies favourite, bite size chicken nugggets served with chips and beans or peas.

Fish fingers

Packed with omega 3

2oz beef burger

Served in a toasted bun

Mini sausages

Little pork delights, great for the hungry kids

Margarita pizza V

Made with our homemade tomoto sauce and topped with mozzarella


All above are served with chips with either peas or baked beans!

Pasta pomodora V

Penne pasta served with our homemade tomato sauce and grated cheese and garlic bread

Pasta Bolognaise

Homemade beef bolognaise served with penne pasta, grated cheese and garlic bread

Mac'n' cheese V

The kiddies favourite seved with garlic bread

Child's Hummus and Pitta Bread

Warm piita served with delicious hummus makes a healthy and tasty snack.



Ice Cream

Choose from Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry

Add toppings : Chocolate sauce, Strawberry sauce, Chocolate sprinkles, 1000's or Whiped cream


Hot Drinks

Freshly made coffee from our barista coffee machine, or if you prefer a good'ol'cup of tea.

Cappuccino (Regular)
Americano (Regular)
Mocha (regular)
Latte (regular)


Cheesy Chips
cheesy, bacon chips
Carrot Sticks
2 Garlic slices

2 pieces of garlick bread

4 Garlic slices

4 slices of Garlic pizza

12" Garlic Pizza

12" Garlic pizza 


Order a dip on the side, includes Mayonnaise, BBQ, Sweet Chilli, Sour Cream,  Vegan mayo and Garlic Mayo

Cucumber sticks

Cucumber sticks



A selection of breakfast meals and snacks. 


Freshly baked croissant served with butter and Jam

Sausage Baguette

breakfast favourite, sausages served in a warm baguette.

Bacon Baguette

Bacon in a warmed Baguette

Breakfast Sandwich

Get the day started right!!   A bacon or sausage sandwich will do the trick.



Try one of our lovely freshly baked panninis with a selection of popular fillings.  You can even tailor them to your own taste by adding additional fillings - delicious!

Tuna, Cheese and Red Onion

Tuna and cheese melt with red onion

Tuna Mayo and Sweetcorn
BBQ Chicken and Cheese
Bacon, Brie and Cranberry
Cheese and Tomato
Chicken and Bacon Mayo
Mozzarella and tomato
Ham and Cheese
cheese and Onion


Choose your choice of filling from the options below or from our pre selected range.


Tuna, Cheese & Red Onion
Tuna Mayo & Sweetcorn
Cheese and Tomato
Cheese and Onion
Ham and Cheese
Ham and Tomato
Bacon and Brie
BBQ Chicken and Cheese
Chicken and Bacon Mayo


Events Menu

Turkey and cranberry baguette

Turkey and cranberry baguette served with coleslaw, nachos and a salad garnish

Food Allergies and Intolerance
Before ordering please speak to our staff about your requirements
A POLITE REMAINDER Only food & drink purchased from the Funplex may be consumed on these premises